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Fort Hood, TX
Our family is traveling through life - sometimes at extraordinarily high speeds - it's good to stop and record the roses and thorns along the way...

Monday, December 29, 2008

12 months of Christmas

Unfortunately, this Christmas was a little stressful - some because of our last minute trip to Salt Lake over Thanksgiving and then I wasn't as organized as I like to be - I didn't even get the "holiday" cards off until today (I figure if they're gone before the 1st I'm good - technically, that's still the holiday season, right?) Anyway, this year I just couldn't wait for the season to be over - I just didn't get to enjoy it all that much. Today, I was reading over a great article that had a 12 days before Christmas advent calendar with a short scripture reading and then a "task" to do each day. Each task focused on the REAL meaning of Christmas - serving others, remembering Christ, etc. I thought - I would LOVE to have the Christmas spirit throughout the year so I am modifying the advent to be the 12 months of Christmas - maybe if I start 'preparing' now for next season I'll actually be ready and unstressed when it rolls around again - can't hurt! I'll try to remember to post each month's reading and task for any of you wanting to do it with me!

Blessings to you in the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds fantastic! We have an advent calendar with scriptures but some of them are a bit in depth for my kids...every year I say I'll find new ones, but at this rate...they will be age appropriate by the time I get around to doing it!

    I'll be watching for your blog! PS I love the sidebar you have with cool kid quotes!
